The Allure of Easy Success: A Humorous Reality Check

2 min readSep 3, 2023


So, I’ve got this little quirk. I tend to underestimate the monumental effort that goes into achieving the levels of success people dream of. Sure, there’s that magic word — “luck,” and I’ve got this peculiar belief that it’s just going to waltz into my life because, well, I’m kind of special. (Spoiler alert: I’m not.)

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

Now, let’s talk about today’s world. It’s like everybody and their pet parrot is making “easy” money — trading stocks, dabbling in cryptocurrencies, or simply vlogging their way to riches on YouTube. And guess what? I want in on that action. I want to make “seems easy” money too. But here’s the catch — I’m working my tail off for it. Yes, I know, I might be just a tad biased here.

Once upon a time, I dreamt of becoming a Video Creator. Fueled by sheer passion, I started churning out videos like there was no tomorrow. I’m talking more than one video a day, folks! Excitement brimming, I eagerly uploaded my first creation. An hour later, the view count stood at a whopping one. And that was just me checking it. A day later, nothing had changed. Two days later, I was up by a grand total of two views. Seriously, why was no one watching my masterpiece? I embarked on a frantic quest, Googling “how to infiltrate the YouTube recommendation algorithm.” About a week later, still somewhat enthusiastic, I uploaded my second video. Fast forward a month, and I couldn’t even decide what kind of video I should make. It seemed like my videos were about as fun as watching paint dry, and I couldn’t muster up any decent video ideas. So, in a blaze of disappointment, my fiery YouTube passion was extinguished.

And now, I’m left wondering if history will repeat itself on Medium. I generally enjoy writing, but, honestly, it’s usually just a digital version of a WhatsApp chat with myself. You know, musings, reflections, the works. But here’s the deal — I’ve noticed my attention span for burning passions and publishing tends to be shorter than a sitcom episode. So, in an attempt to give this writing thing some longevity, I’ve decided to try publishing just one piece a week. You know, planning for the long haul and all that jazz.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash




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